It is early evening. Like every weekend many people rush through the city. A bit apart, a young man is sitting on a bench, starting to draw a picture. Repeatedly he looks up to portray a young woman, standing on the other side next to a tree. She seems a bit lost and looks down the street as if she is waiting for someone. Their eyes meet...

Runtime: 17 Minutes
Release: 2011
Release: 2011
Starring: Henning Neu | Lea Günnewig
Directors, Screenwriters & Editors: Robert Fischer, Constantin Maier
Composer: Kolja Brand
Composer: Kolja Brand
Watch the full film
Awards and Screenings
Camgaroo Award 2011 | Winner "Emotion"
Up-and-Coming International Film Festival 2011 | Official Selection
Up-and-Coming International Film Festival 2011 | Official Selection